Tuesday, May 4, 2010

English Cocker Spaniel

English Cocker Spaniel |Dog Bark Collars This family dog will surely love to play over a dog furniture.

The English Cocker Spaniel is an eager, playful, and cheerful dog with plenty of affection to give and a responsive and gentle nature. This is a sociable breed, and loves to be around his loved ones. Sweet and enthusiastic, the English Cocker Spaniel makes for a great family pet, but it is worth noting that some can be overly dependant on their owners to the point where they become clingy, so it is important to teach your English Cocker Spaniel to be independent. These sensitive dogs can sometimes be overly timid and submissive, so early socialization and training is important.

English Cocker Spaniel | Dog DoorsThe English Cocker Spaniel is an eager to please dog and a quick learner, and this makes training easy. However, housebreaking can sometime be a problem and some English Cocker Spaniels can be chronic barkers. When it comes to children these dogs are generally very good, and they are also very friendly with strangers in most instances.

English Cocker Spaniel | Dog FurnitureThe English Cocker Spaniel will get along well with other pets too, making this breed ideal for families with other pets. Some English Cocker Spaniels can have a willful nature and this can result in possessiveness when it comes to things like his toys.

English Cocker Spaniel | Dog Gates
English Cocker Spaniel | Dog Doors | Dog Bark Collars

Photo Credits: dogbreedinfo.com | breederretriever.com | puppydogweb.com | europuppyusa.com


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